How To Use Common Collocation In English Grammar?

‘You must make your bed every day’.
‘Do your homework’.
‘Run for your life’.
‘Don’t forget to do the dishes’.
These phrases are commonly used in our households, and we are all aware of what they mean. But what are those words that always accompany one another are called? Make the bed, do the dishes, save time. Such use of two or more words that are often used together are known as ‘collocations’. How to use common collocation in English Grammar depends on the context where you are using it. Some of the most regular collocations use verbs and nouns together that are used every day. Native speakers often use collocations in both written and spoken English which implies that using incorrect pairing of words may not go unnoticed.
But in English Grammar, common collocation does not follow rules. You can use it anywhere and anytime in your language as they have become a standard in constant use. If you mess up common collocations, you are not always expressing wrong English. But a strong knowledge of collocations is an integral component of English Grammar. That’s the reason that most of students prefer to buy assignment online. If you want to learn how to use common collocations in English grammar, you need to follow this article.
Common Collocation in English Grammar
Common collocation in English grammar includes a blend of verbs, adverbs, nouns, and adjectives.
Verb And Noun Collocation
This combination is the most common collocation used in everyday situations, such as to do your homework, do your homework on time then we will go out, and others.
To save time.
If you focus more on your work, you will save time.
To make progress.
You are making progress in your job and doing a good job.
To commit a crime
He committed a crime for which he was jailed.
Adverb And Adjective Collocation
Such combinations of collocation are not so common, but they are commonly used. In particular, they are often used in business contexts. Such as:
Totally amazed
She was totally amazed to see the dolphin show.
Highly profitable
If you invest in these shares, it will be highly profitable for you.
Utterly wrong
You are utterly wrong if you are thinking that way.
Adjective And Noun
Adjective and noun combinations of collocation are also common in English grammar. These are often used to stress on a situation that is unlikely. Such as:
Troubling times
The pandemic has brought troubling times for the poor.
Rich Culture
Theirs’ is a rich culture where so many festivals are held.
Strong smell
The coffee had a very strong smell.
Noun And Noun
Such collocations are also used in business settings as well as used in everyday lives. Such as:
Accounting firms
Many accounting firms nowadays are refusing to talk on media.
Advertising agency
That advertising agency is flourishing day by day.
Abuse of power
Politics and abuse of power has led to an increase in resistance.
Glass of water
I would like to have a glass of water.
Noun And Verb
Nouns are naming words and verbs are action words. But such combinations are important to use in sentence.
For example, Anna wrote a letter to her boss. Here, Anna and wrote both are noun and verb collocation. Similarly, a lion roars, a cat purrs, a bird sings- are all common collocation in English grammar.
Verb And Adverb
This combination of collocation can be used to stress an emotional situation or specific context. Such as:
Firmly believe
Stuart firmly believed that he would get a call for job.
Closely examine
I closely examined him and understood why he was sad.
Badly hurt
He was badly hurt so I took him to the hospital.
Thoroughly inspect
The police officer asked his colleague to thoroughly inspect the case.
Verb And Prepositional Expressions
These combinations of collocation are used in English grammar and commonly used.
To jump to conclusions
You should not jump on to conclusions without knowing the truth.
To be interested in
You should be interested in studies more than movies.
To be responsible for
You are responsible for your own actions so do not blame anyone.
To pay for
He needs to pay for the things he bought from me.
Some More Common Collocations Used In English Grammar
Collocations are also used as brief remarks to communicate how someone thinks about a scenario. You can use collocations as adjectives in this situation, or as strong phrases with an intensifier and a verb. Here are a few instances of popular collocations:
To deeply regret the loss of something
We deeply regret the loss of your beloved uncle and aunt.
To go to great lengths while doing something
He is hard working and can go to great lengths to achieve his goals.
To positively motivate someone
We tried to positively motivate him in buying the shares, but he still refused.
To be a complete disaster
We tried to put our heart and soul in the project, but it was a complete disaster.
Educators and students like using collocation libraries to research common collocation use. A collocation dictionary is also one of the greatest resources for pupils. A collocation dictionary differs from a regular dictionary. It gives common collocations used with key terms instead of a definition.
Studying common collocations will also help you prepare for your TOEFL and IELTS exams. Collocations are important because they make your spoken and written English sound natural. It adds idiomatic expressions to your writing and helps improve fluency. So, you need to invest more time knowing how to use common collocations in English grammar.
Collocations is the use of two or more words that are often used together. You can learn collocations from a variety of sources. Collocations are also used as brief remarks to communicate how someone thinks about a scenario. There are a few types of common collocations which include verb/noun pairs. It also includes adverbs/verbs, noun/noun and noun/verb pairs. A strong knowledge of collocations is an integral component of English Grammar. The common collocations in English grammar discussed in this article will help you know how to use them. You can follow this guide so that you can use these collocations in your written and spoken English.