Smartphone Addiction Among Youngsters: Its Effects On Physical And Mental Health

This informative post is written by Coursework Writing Services UK about effects of Smartphone addiction of physical and mental health of the youngsters. If you are a Smartphone addict, after reading this post, you will try to get rid of Smartphone addiction.
Smartphone Addiction Among Youngsters: Its Effects On Physical And Mental Health
Recently, lots of psychiatrists have conducted research about the use of Smartphones. According to the results of their research, there are some young people who are depending on their Smartphone in such a way that it has become an addiction for them. The research study from Kings College London is also suggesting that if these young people are denied from the use of this Smartphone, they will become ‘panicky’. Moreover, it is also almost impossible for these Smartphone addict youngsters to control the use of Smartphone. Here, we will discuss the impacts of Smartphone addiction on the physical and mental health of the youngsters.
Tech neck
If you are spending lots of time of the day on the use of Smartphone, your head will put its weight on your neck and this condition is called tech neck. The main harm of this condition is that it is harming the spines of Smartphone users.
Weight gain
As we know that if a person is facing sleep disruptions, there is a possibility that he will face obesity and diabetes issues. According to the research of the University of Granada, the blue light of the Smartphone is also creating sleep disorders issues for Smartphone users. Due to these sleep disorders, there is also a possibility that Smartphone addicts will gain weight.
Shortened attention span
No doubt, digital multitasking is very effective in this era but it is also creating lots of issues for us. According to the research of Microsoft, before the invention of the Smartphone, the attention span of human beings was 12 seconds. Nowadays, it is shortened and the persons who are using Smartphone while working, their attention span is 8 seconds and the persons who are goldfish, their attention span is 9 seconds.
Changing the structure of your brain
Recently, research is published in PloS One. The results of this research show that along with the shortening of the attention span, Smartphone addiction is also changing the physical structure of our brain. As a result, most of the youngsters are facing problems of less cognitive control and socio-emotional regulation issues.
Changing the way you think
The researchers of Dartmouth have also conducted essential research. In their research, they have compared people of two generations. It means that they have compared those people who have read information from books with modern age youngsters who are reading information from their Smartphone screens. They have concluded that Smartphone addiction has not only changed the physical structure of our minds but it has also changed the way of thinking. Furthermore, they have also concluded that the people who are reading information from books are better able to understand abstract than those people who are reading information from the screens of the Smartphone.
Texting thumb
No doubt, while using a Smartphone, we have to use the thumb. Therefore, along with neck tech, too much use of Smartphone is also creating texting thumb issues for the users. It means that Smartphone users will feel constant pain in their thumbs. The fortunate thing is that if you want to recover your thumb, you just need to give your thumb rest for few days. It means that you should say good-bye to your Smartphone for a few days. It is also a fact that if you are a Smartphone addict, it is difficult for you to give rest to your thumb. If you don’t give rest to your thumb, this situation will become alarming in the future.
No doubt, Smartphone is an essential technology to connect with your wide circle of friends but it is also creating some anxiety problems to you. It means that while connecting with a wide circle of friends, there is also a possibility that you will not be able to manage the time for giving respond to all the texts, emails and notifications of your friends. As a result, it may create some anxiety problems for you.
Smartphone blindness
If you are using a Smartphone during your sleep cycle or looking at your phone in bed, there is a possibility that you may lose your vision. It means that you will become blind. On the other hand, if you are looking at your phone with one eye in the dark, there is also a possibility that you may face temporary blind issues.